Xmx Xms
这里对各个参数的意义解释一下 -Xms初始值 -Xmx最大值 -Xmn最小值 Heap Size的设置不宜太小也不宜太大 若设置太小 程序的响应速度会变慢了因为GC占用了更多的时间而应用分配到的执行时间较少. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes or m or M to indicate megabytes. Pin On Crunchify Articles The command sets the initial size of the Java heap. . -Xmsunit -Xmxunit Here unit denotes the unit in which the memory indicated by heap size is to be initialized. Idea通过push上传代码到github上结果报错如下 二问题原因-Xmx内存较大1024MB超出了idea中设定值idea默认的设定阈值在 idea64exevmoptions 文件中如下图 JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA 201622binidea64exevmoptions 中的设定值800MB 所以解决办法就是修改运行时的参数即修改 ideaexevmoptions. Places boundaries on the heap size to increase the predictability of garbage collection. For more information see Increase the memory. Limits the maximum memory heap size that the JVM can allocate for running IntelliJ IDEA. This means that JVM will be started with Xms amount of memory and will be able to use a maximum of Xmx amount of memory. Y...